It is an emotional tale of a brutal Nazi, who moves his family into the German countryside, near the labour camp for which he is responsible, only for his 8 year old son to strike a bizarre kinship with a boy in the camp. It's a little like the Kite Runner from this point of view, where the two boys share a common childhood innocence, yet in circumstances that we are constantly reminded of.
Its a brutal and harrowing film, yet endearing and thought-provoking at times as well....
It was around at the similar time of other, more covered, World War 2 films Valkyrie, and Defiance.
It's been overlooked and probably under-rated because of this, I would recommend it to anyone who believes that often the most inspiring tales are born from the cruelest times....
I realise that its Striped, and not Stripped, the consequence of typing too fast and not taking care. Please be kind enough to overlook the potential implications of this mistake.